Red Rose Bouquet

R 675.00R 2,750.00

A Classic Red Rose Bouquet is still one of the most romantic arrangements around! What do you think of when you see a huge and elaborate bunch of red roses? This Red Rose Bouquet radiates Love and Romance.

The product in the image is our Medium size with 24 Red Roses.

Same-day delivery between 9 am and 6 pm when orders are placed before 13h00 (Standard South African Time).


A Classic Red Rose Bouquet is still one of the most romantic arrangements around! What do you think of when you see a huge and elaborate bunch of red roses? This Red Rose Bouquet radiates Love and Romance.

The product in the image is our Medium size with 24 Red Roses.

Will my arrangement look the same as the picture?

Our arrangements and gift hampers are specially created and curated by our professional florist, with you in mind. We take precautions to ensure that the products and arrangements on our website are delivered exactly as displayed. Be aware that substitutes of the equivalent quality and price may be used if the advertised flowers are not in season or available at the time of order.

When will my order be delivered?

For same-day delivery between 9 am and 6 pm, please ensure that your order and payment are received no later than 13h00 (Standard South African Time). During peak periods, such as Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and the like, we experience large volumes of orders and therefore urge you to get your orders in early, make sure they are paid for on time, and that we have all the recipient’s details well in advance. A ‘late bloomers’ fee will apply to orders that are received late and the delivery of the goods cannot be guaranteed on a required day due to high demand during these peak times

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